Welcome to RNH Personal Coaching

With our increasing demand for one to one assistance, we are extremely proud to welcome our new personal coaching service, allowing members and non members the chance to receive the best private lesson experience possible from the comfort of their own home.

Our Goal

The aim of RNH personal coaching is to revamp the private lesson experience, improving the structure and layout, providing world class teaching, and allowing you to get direct feedback, changes, shredding, amendments on your current dance performance. It's time to improve your weaknesses and enjoy a brand new way of how private lessons can be done!


Irish dancing is an individual sport and so it is extremely valuable to provide dancers with an individual option to progress. Our aim is always to create as many Irish dance training programs as possible for our members and now, with this new service, dancers can take it one step further and have their individual areas fixed directly by our coaches.

Getting Set-Up 

To undergo personal coaching with RNH, all you will need is a strong wifi connection along with a device such as a laptop, iPad or smartphone. For best viewing you can attach this device to your TV with a simple HDMI connection or with a Facebook Portal device. 

To stream the call we use Zoom conferencing software. You will be sent a personal meeting room link prior to your scheduled time to access your lesson. 

Booking Your Free Assessment

Due to availability all dancers will start with an initial assessment with Jennifer. This assessment is completely free and lasts 30 minutes in length. The assessment allows us to check your current ability and needs, and also give you chance to experience our coaching methods first hand. From there, should you wish to proceed you will be placed with the best suited member of the RNH team and begin working towards your goals.


The initial 30 minute assessment is free. From there the cost of a personal coaching lesson with our team is £60 per hour. For maximum results we require a minimum of one x1 hour block each month. Homework will then be provided in between each lesson.


Should you have any questions please just email us at [email protected] or visit our FAQ's below:



Simply fill in the details below and our team will be in touch to book you in for your assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions